Imaging Services

CAT scan

CT scans provide our physicians with a rapid and noninvasive method to examine the internal structures of a patient’s body, enhancing diagnosis through our imaging services. Typically lasting between 20 to 30 minutes, a CT scan yields results promptly for the doctor’s review shortly following the completion of the examination.”

Cat scan imaging services in er of fort worth
Digital x ray

At er of fort worth we utilizes Computed Radiography technology for the acquisition and processing of X-ray images, enabling detailed visualization of internal bodily structures. This advanced method provides the benefits of expedited image availability and reduced radiation exposure compared to conventional analog X-ray techniques.”

Digital x-ray alog with cat scan imaging services

“Ultrasound scans are conducted to provide physicians with detailed images of muscles, organs, blood vessels, and soft tissue, aiding in the formulation of patient care plans. These scans play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various diseases and conditions, offering dynamic testing capabilities that are unique among imaging modalities.”

Ultrasound Scan along with cat scan imaging services in er of fort worth.